
We take our environmental responsibilities very seriously and are constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our ecological impact.

Significantly more fuel efficient pilot boats

When designing our fleet, we made a conscious decision to use the most fuel-efficient vessels we could find, which has paid off in spades as we currently use a little more than half the fuel of other pilot boats operating in Western Australia based on the same operational parameters.

Reduced single-use plastics

A couple of years ago we made the decision to remove as many single-use plastics as possible from our supply chain.

We installed water fountains and ensured all staff have reusable water bottles which removed 50,000 x 600ml bottles annually from our Port Hedland operation.

Carbon Offset Program

We are proud to have worked with Canopy Nature Based Solutions, a company of Greening Australia, to offset the fuel burn from our Port Hedland vessels in 2022. Specifically, in 2023 we purchased carbon credits for projects in the Southwest of Western Australia, Tasmania and Indonesia geared towards the preservation of native forests and the planting of native trees on land that was predominantly used for agricultural purposes.

EV Fleet Program

As part of our long-term commitment to a greener future, in 2023 we purchased our first electric vehicle for use by our Port Hedland site leaders. As more work car options become available, we plan to replace other vehicles in our fleet with cleaner electric options.

Minimising greenhouse
gas emissions

We have ambitions to reach a NetZero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050 and are working with a sustainability consultant to develop our emissions reduction policy and identify avenues to reach our target.

We are fanatical about the maintenance of our boats, which means not only are they more reliable, but they run as efficiently as possible.

However, even though our boats are extremely fuel efficient by today’s standards, new technologies mean we’ll soon be able to reduce emissions further.

We’re currently investigating engines that run on HVO100 (Hydrated Vegetable Oil) Fuel, which could reduce direct emissions by an incredible 90%.

In addition, we’re considering an alternative propulsion system which could improve the efficiency of our boats by 50%.

We’re even focussing on the material our line boats are made from and are building our new boats from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), which is 100% recyclable and has more than twice the lifespan of aluminium.

Finally, we’re in advanced talks with a global green energy company about converting one of our line boats to hydrogen, which would emit zero greenhouse gasses.

45% less

CO2 emissions emitted by Odyssey’s newest pilot boat compared to pilot boats operating at Fremantle and Dampier*

* Calculated per nautical mile travelled at cruising speed.


Indigenous Partnerships