Who we are



The Odyssey way

The most dependable maritime logistics provider in Australia.

We are a maritime logistics provider with operations in the world’s largest bulk export port, the Port of Port Hedland and Victoria’s premier bulk export port at the Port of Geelong.

Our clients include some of the world’s leading miners, and Port Authorities, shipping agents and tug owners. What we do is provide and operate pilot boats, hydrographic survey vessels, line boats and crew and cargo transfer vessels. We also provide towage management services, marine infrastructure maintenance and other on and off water logistics services to ensure the continuity of port operations.

We leave nothing to chance

Port operations can be disrupted by poor weather, moving timetables, withdrawal of labour or breakdowns.

What port operations won’t be disrupted by, is us.

We’ve never had a safety, people or asset availability issue that has caused a disruption to port operations, or compromised a client. That’s because we are constantly assessing risks, strategising, and making sure we are prepared for any eventuality. This includes having highly qualified people, establishing multiple avenues for labour, making sure our vessels are properly maintained, taking care of our people and the communities we operate in, and proactively replacing assets at the end of their lifecycle.

What's expected is just the starting point

Being dependable is about more than a contract; more than just delivering our services on time, every time, like clockwork. That’s a given.

It’s about having an intimate understanding of our customers’ maritime logistics needs and the environments in which we work. It’s about being vigilant on the water and dealing with issues quickly and efficiently.

It’s about anticipating problems before they arise and proactively solving them. And it’s about being ultra-responsive and helping out however we can, wherever required.

Odyssey at a glance

Operating in Australia since 2006

Vessel owner, operator and supplier of inshore vessel services and comprehensive marine towage management services

Multiple sources of labour to guarantee continuity

Highly trained, diverse workforce

Unparalleled safety and delivery record

Industry leading systems and technologies

Clients include some of the world’s leading miners, and port authorities, shipping agents and tug owners




Years experience


Vessel strong fleet


Highly trained, diverse workforce


Our Journey